The issues are complex &mdash but we're basically on your side ©
posted by Project WANNABE at 6:23 PM
wats puzllign me is halfa teh land areas in hte picihar arnt parta caneda.
Not yet maybe
I know three Canadians. All three are growers and dealers of cannabis and self-proclaimed vegans.
My mom always gave me ginger ale when I was sick, so I associate Canada with vomit. And poutine, but that's basically the same thing.
I'd never even heard of poutine until now. Fries, cheese & gravy. It looks yummy.
When the 80% uninhabitable wasteland thaws out and all the polar bears drown or are made into suitable rugs, it should be a pretty hot (sorry) market.
Sorry I haven't been around everybody. Funny comments.
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wats puzllign me is halfa teh land areas in hte picihar arnt parta caneda.
Not yet maybe
I know three Canadians. All three are growers and dealers of cannabis and self-proclaimed vegans.
My mom always gave me ginger ale when I was sick, so I associate Canada with vomit.
And poutine, but that's basically the same thing.
I'd never even heard of poutine until now. Fries, cheese & gravy. It looks yummy.
When the 80% uninhabitable wasteland thaws out and all the polar bears drown or are made into suitable rugs, it should be a pretty hot (sorry) market.
Sorry I haven't been around everybody. Funny comments.
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